When it comes to paying respect to national symbols, the national flag is not exempted. Infact it is the most respected by citizens. The military or uniformed individuals of a nation do not joke with it and can give their lives for it.

As a Teacher, how do you describe this precious waving fabric?

Definition of national flag

National flag is defined as a piece of fabric designated by custom, decree, or law which serves as a distinctive emblem of a particular nation and usually different from other flags of the nation serving other purposes.


Even as a Teacher, my learners expect that I should know everything and trust me you can’t disappoint these young minds who have developed trust and confidence in you when it comes to classroom teaching and learning situation. So when this particular question was thrown, how did national flag originated? I had to emback on research and from my findings, I discovered that no one could actually tell the origin of the national flag but writings generated by Historians has it that during the ancient times, field signs or standards were used in warfare that can be categorised as vexilloid or ‘flag-like’. However, this began in ancient Egypt or Assyria .Some of the examples are the Sassanid battle standard Derash Kaviani, and the standards of the Roman legions such as the eagle of Augustus Caesar’s Xth legion, or the dragon standard of the Sarmatians; the latter was let fly freely in the wind, carried by a horseman, but judging from depictions it was more similar to an elongated dragon kite than to a simple flag.

Flags as recognized today, made of a piece of cloth representing a particular entity, were invented in the Indian subcontinent or Chinese Zhou dynasty (1046-256 BCE). Chinese flags depicted colorful animals and royal flags were to be treated with a similar level of respect attributed to the ruler. Indian flags were often triangular and decorated with attachments such as yak’s tail and the state umbrella. These usages spread to Southeast Asia as well, and were transmitted to Europe through the Muslim world where plainly colored flags were being used due to Islamic proscriptions.

In Europe, during the High Middle Ages, flags came to be used primarily as a heraldic device in battle, allowing more easily to identify a knight than only from the heraldic device painted on the shield. Already during the high medieval period, and increasingly during the late middle ages, city states and communes such as those of the Old Swiss Confederacy also began to use flags as field signs. Regimental flags for individual units became commonplace during the Early Modern Period.

Importance of the National Flag

The national flag is very important to a given nation. The flag of every country does the following:

  • The national flag depicts the symbol of a free and independent country.
  • A country’s cultural image, heritage and ideology are represented in the national flag.
  • It is a visual representation of the people, values, history and goal of a country.

  • A national flag reminds the struggle and sacrifices of the freedom fighters who fought for the country’s freedom.

  • There are sentiment and honour of people attached to the national flag.

  • The national flag showcases the strength, peace, truthfulness and prosperity of a given nation.

  • The National Flag played a vital role in uniting people during the independence struggle.

  • It is a source of motivation, integration and patriotism.

  • The national flag is a symbol of unity, pride, self-reliant, sovereignty and a guiding force for every citizen of a nation.

    Flags of Countries Of The World

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